Nursing homes exist because families are often unable to provide round-the-clock care for elderly and disabled people. When you entrusted your mother, father, husband, wife, sister or brother to the care of a long-term care facility, you likely did your best to evaluate the facility’s quality of care. You naturally expected administrators, nurses, caregivers and other responsible parties to meet accepted standards of care.
You did not expect to get that phone call telling you that your loved one had fallen and broken a hip after caregivers were slow to respond for a call for help. You did not expect to discover during a visit with your family member that pressure sores (also known as decubitus ulcers or bedsores) had gone undetected and untreated. Perhaps your loved one was scalded during bathing or suffered ill effects of overmedication. Maybe a care director failed to install recommended aids such as hand rails, and an injuring fall was the result.
Whatever the circumstances of your loved one’s injury in a nursing home in New Jersey, the Law Office of Anthony L. Coviello, LLC, can help you pursue what you need now:
You are right to seek counsel from an experienced personal injury attorney as you come to grips with a painful reality. If an investigation into the causes of an injury or death in a New Jersey nursing home uncovers negligence, legal action may be the right response. For information and help deciding what to do next, call 973-798-8328 or send an email message to schedule a consultation.
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